Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mini Meatloaves

I know who really likes meatloaf - who makes meatloaf on purpose? Well Alex really likes meatloaf and so I found a recipe that I like too. It is mini - meatloaves. It is so easy to cook and takes less time because of their size.

I have been making this recipe for years.

I made a Knorr Veggie Side to go with it - have you tried those yet? Pretty quick and easy and not too bad tasting. Tonight was a pasta with spinach and broccoli and olive oil.

I also made Rice Krispie treats.

1 comment:

Kathryn Mathews said...

I didn't know you were such a fabulous cook. I love watching Food Network. I'm always trying new recipes. I rarely make the same thing twice. We should totally swap ideas!!