Thursday, October 7, 2010

Apples are in the air. On so many of the blogs that I try to keep up with everything is doing something with apples.
I decided to get ambitious and try something new.


I have it in the crock pot right now. I'm going to make some homemade bread to go with it. This treat doesn't really match what I'm making for dinner but that is ok. It will make the house smell like FALL!

Why am I blogging about this prior to making it? Because I had a great experience at Safeway and it reminds me of why I like to shop there over walmart. First I was meandering in the flower department. If I'm going to be home for an entire additional week, why not buy flowers!? So I bought some sunflowers.
Then I walked over to the fruit. My recipe from called for apples but it didn't state what flavor. I asked the woman who was so gingerly stocking the apples if she had made apple butter before and if she had a suggestion. She went and got the produce guru guy, Gabriel.

He was so helpful - He suggested HONEY CRISP apples. Have you tried these? He offered to let me sample which I declined. I wish I would have bought a whole bushel of them - I'm definitely going back for more. They are yummy! As a side note, this apple was created in 1991 - interesting!

1 comment:

celia said...

Honey Crisp are the best. There is an orchard up near Darcie in Cache Valley that grows Honey Crisps. Gary Scott buys cider from there and he introduced me to Honey Crisps. Now they are my apple of choice!!!