Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Roast Chicken

Have you ever roasted a chicken before? I hadn't.
WHY? You can buy one already done at costco, safeway or walmart for $5.
To buy one at the store raw, it is at least $4
$1 savings for a lot of WORK.
BUT I wanted to try it.

So I bought a little chicken. I cleaned it. I took out the neck and the gizzards.
I seasoned it with salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme. I drizzled my potatoes, onions and carrots with olive oil and the same seasonings in the same pan. I sprinkled fresh lemon juice over it and put the cut lemon in the cavity of the chicken.
It cooked for 90 minutes.

I made rolls while it was cooking in the bread machine.

Alex came home from being with the missionaries to tell me that he had already eaten. And then he saw my face totally deflated and said, "but wait, K... I can eat some more". Bless his heart.
We had a nice dinner.

I would make another roast chicken. It makes the house smell yummy and there is a sense of satisfaction (at least for me) of not just picking up a ready made chicken but doing it myself!

1 comment:

Lindsay, Steve, Alex, Sammi, Drew said...

I thought of you as I was buying my rotteserie chicken from Sam's club last week. It is just far too easy to buy it already seasoned and done. Meal #1: chicken and potatoes. Meal #2 homemade mac and cheese with chicken and spinach. Meal #3 lettuce wraps. But, here's to you for doing it yourself. If Sam's roaster goes kapput, I'll have to read your blog again so I can learn how to be self sufficient just like you! Well done!